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The 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is an important festival in Chinese tradition -- the Mid Yuan Festival. However, "Mid Yuan Festival" is the name of Chinese Taoism; On the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Buddhism calls it the "Yulan Bon Festival", while the folk call it the "Ghost Festival". Of course, there are different forms of expression in Taoism's Zhongyuan Festival, Buddhism's Yulan Bon Festival and folk Ghost Festival, but these three festivals also have the common cultural connotation of ancestor worship and loyalty.

























The customs and activities on the 15th day of July are colorful and basically fall into eight categories.


The first category, the introduction of new ancestors, is the core value of this day. Taoism said it was the day when local officials would forgive their sins, while Buddhism said it was the day when Buddhas rejoiced. Folk people do not live according to the literature. They only know that it is the day of ancestor worship and mourning.


The Record of Dreams in Tokyo records that from the first day of July to the seventh day of July, businesses began their marketing activities, selling all kinds of sacrificial items, clothes, hats, etc. According to the information of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, many places in the southwest started cleaning their homes on the seventh day of July, inviting out ancestral tablets, and hanging up calligraphy and paintings that the elderly loved to play. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of July, tea will be served in the morning and evening. We will send the old man back on July 15. In addition to those who pick up the old, there are also those who go to the grave.


The second is to burn the broussonetia and die. Chu was a banknote burned during the sacrifice. Today, there is a poem: "I went to Zhongyuan again to deliver the money, and the evening wind sent the smoke silently. Time has passed away, but I feel sad as last year." It means that I am old. Today's me is not the same as yesterday's, but I still miss my ancestors.


To make money for ancestors, you need to write a baggage list, just like filling in a express bill. Generally, you can fill in three generations. If you can make it clear, you can fill in seven generations. The list must be filled in by children. This is actually a family education. On the one hand, children can remember their ancestors' names and practice calligraphy on the other.


The third is to spread fields and pray for grain harvest. The 15th day of July is the birthday of the local magistrate, who is in charge of the harvest. I hope to get a better harvest this year. Cloth fields, that is, to hang five colored flags on the ears of grain in the fields, are also called color cutting. Later, Buddhism burned incense on July 30 to absorb this custom. With the transformation of production and lifestyle, these customs have disappeared, but their variants are still there.


The fourth is Purdue Shigu. They burn paper for their ancestors and look after their neighbors' ancestors. In the past, when sweeping and repairing tombs, the tombs of the neighbors should also be swept symbolically and greeted. It is similar to the meaning of "old I am and old people are, young I am and young people are" of Confucianism.


The fifth is to entertain God. This is an important cultural and recreational activity in the local community during the mourning festival. In the past, when Shanghai held sacrificial activities, it was necessary to bring out the Lord of the City God, parade in floats, and walk on stilts with dragon dancing blows.


The sixth type is to give sheep for education or filial piety. In northern areas such as Shanxi and Hebei, grandma will send sheep to her grandchildren in July. I used to send live sheep, but later I sent noodles. The crow feeds back, and the lamb kneels. Sending sheep is to let children know that they should be filial to their mothers when they are young.


The seventh is Huasheng Zhuzi. It began to exist in the Song Dynasty. In July, neighbors sent dolls to each other, wishing the childless families an early birth and continuing the incense. People who receive gifts should express their gratitude and give something to them. In this way, they can still exchange gifts and make better friends with their neighbors.


Finally, it is the symbolic folk custom activity of burning lanterns to pray for blessings on the 15th day of July. According to the Records of the Historian, Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty had the habit of lighting lamps to worship gods and ancestors, which was passed down from generation to generation. According to Sikuquanshu, Qianlong was the emperor for more than 60 years and wrote poems of the Zhongyuan Dynasty every year. From his poems, it can be seen that from Chengde Villa to the Royal Garden, the festival is held. Xia Renhu's poem in the period of the Republic of China said: "The Beihai lightboat is full of light. You can visit the city at night and watch the ladies. There are thirty-six mandarin ducks floating in the sky, and you can see the incense rank and stockings." It's the best to put out the lights, usually lotus leaf lights. Local people in Shandong put lamps on clam shells. Inside the clam shells are candle oil stored at ordinary times. After lighting, they put them one by one to the riverside, which is very beautiful.


As for the cultural significance of lighting, it is commonly said that lighting lights up the dark. The dead are dark in the underworld, lighting up their way back. Another way of saying is to offer sacrifices to gods. Chinese people always light up the lights for festivals.


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